Practical Entrepreneurship Education: Series 4
WETATi Academy entrepreneurship empowerment course cultivates practical, expositional, experiential and mindset shift for program participants. This shift is toward entrepreneurship interest and the development of strong leadership and soft skills that lead to alternatives offered in starting and maintaining a profitable business and or that makes for a great employee. We also focus participants on developing disruptive innovative business ideas and entering fields that have a greater likelihood for the disadvantaged to lead successful careers. We’re proactively challenging and changing the traditional narrative of the low- to moderate-income individuals and students’ mindset and culture that say: go to school, graduate, and get a job mentality; – to go to school and while in school think and look for opportunities to create your own. Wey believe that “impossibility is not a declaration, it’s only a dare.”
WETATi Academy pays close attention to business trends, population changes and opportunities that will help its low-to moderate income youth, like offering extensive training and support in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce training and Cyber Security.
Students will learn about the following:
- Basics and mindset of entrepreneurship
- Career preparedness through entrepreneurship lenses
- How to start a business
- Business development
- Marketing and branding
- Business coaching/mentoring
- Business plan writing
- And much, much more.
Be a dreamer and a doer.

Ambassador Dr. Margaret Dureke
Founder, President & CEO,
WETATi Academy
Free Resources
At the end of their training, students will have the opportunity to utilize the business knowledge, skills, and inspiration they have acquired from this experiential program in WETATi Academy annual The Dureke iDea Pitch Competition. Students can receive support in fully developing and preparing for their competition application by taking part in the WETATi Academy iDEA Lab series which consists of the following:
WETATi Academy iDEA Lab Series
- Brainstorming your iDEA
- Researching your iDEA
- Drafting your iDEA
- Pitching your iDEA
- Sharing your iDEA
Bring your potential to life!
A Look Inside:
Dureke idea Pitch CompetCompetition
Interested in the program? Email us: