Pipeline Membership Levels
We’re Empowered To Achieve The impossible (WETATi)
Career Opportunity Pipeline with Corporate Strategic Partners
-Corporate Sponsor Membership Levels Packages-
Membership Level 1
*Membership is based on one FY Jan-Dec.*
Minimum of one year membership commitment.
- Includes automatic Annual WETATi membership
- Includes WETATi Vanguard Strategic Partner membership
- Access to recruit WETATi Academy certified graduates for career opportunities such as, apprenticeships, internships, and job placement.
- Direct access to WETATi Students’ internship and fellowship pathway
- Promotion of company name/logo on all print and digital WETATi marketing materials
- Access to WETATi Youth Mentorship Program
- Opportunity for your company to facilitate four (4) workshops that aligns with WETATi’s vision
- Trade show/exhibition booth at events physically and virtually
- Opportunity to speak as a Keynote speaker during our Annual convention
- Access to the WETATi’s strategic partners at a private meet and greet(events/mixers)
- Opportunity for WETATi to host four (4) annual curated events in partnership with strategic partner that aligns with WETATi’s mission.
- Ten (10) VIP tickets for corporate executives at the Convention and Awards Gala
- Four (4) customized programs created particular for your company
- Access to WETATi’s Capacity Building HBCU’s Pipeline program
- Full page color AD in the WETATi Magazine
- Feature company article in the WETATi Magazine
- Company logo on WETATi website home page & sponsors page.
- Access to attend career fairs in partnership with WETATi
- Your company will be in our weekly newsletter promotion.
- Feature Opportunity on the Cover of WETATi Magazine
- Press Release Announcing Partnership
Membership Level 2
*Membership is based on one FY Jan-Dec.*
Minimum of one year membership commitment.
- Includes automatic Annual WETATi membership
- Includes WETATi Vanguard Strategic Partner membership
- Press Release Announcing Partnership
- Access to recruit WETATi
- Academy certified graduates for career opportunities such as, apprenticeships, internships, and job placement.
- Direct access to WETATi Students’ internship and fellowship pathway
- Promotion of company name/logo on all print and digital WETATi marketing materials
- Access to WETATi Youth Mentorship Program
- Opportunity for your company to facilitate one (1) annual workshop that aligns with WETATi’s vision
- Trade show/exhibition booth at events physically
- Opportunity to Guest speak at WETATi Event
- Opportunity for WETATi to host a curated event in partnership with strategic partner that aligns with WETATi’s mission.
- Six (6) VIP tickets for corporate executives at the Convention and Awards Gala
- Four (4) customized programs created particular for your company
- Access to WETATi’s Capacity Building HBCU’s Pipeline program
- Full page color AD in the WETATi Magazine
- Company logo on WETATi website home page & sponsors page.
- Your company will be in our newsletter promotion monthly.
- Feature article in the WETATi Magazine.
Membership Level 3
*Membership is based on one FY Jan-Dec.*
Minimum of one year membership commitment.
- Includes automatic Annual WETATi membership
- Includes WETATi Vanguard Strategic Partner membership
- Press Release Announcing Partnership
- Access to recruit WETATi Academy certified graduates for career opportunities such as, apprenticeships, internships, and job placement.
- Promotion of company name/logo on one (1) digital WETATi marketing material
- Opportunity for your company to facilitate one (1) annual workshop that aligns with WETATi’s vision
- Three (3) VIP tickets for corporate executives at the Convention and Awards Gala
- Two (2) customized programs created particular for your company
- Half a page color AD in the WETATi Magazine
- Company logo on WETATi website home page & sponsors page.
- Your company will be in our newsletter promotion quarterly.
If interested in participating in the WETATi- strategic partner student internship, and job and career opportunity, please email info@wetatiacademy.org